Scouting things




Click on the pic for larger image.   I'll write it up later.  I have modded each TYPE  exept the magstrike. You can see maverick shells my bro hasn't put back together.Gun reviews below.
Scoring is 1-5 5 being the best  Go to label, NOT PAGE, label "nerf" for videos.

I have:    
  • 2 Fireflies (One modded)
  • 2 Deploys (One modded)
  • 1 Raider  (One modded)
  • 1 Magstrike 
  • 4 Mavericks (All modded)
  • 2 Recons  (One modded)
  • 1 Nite Finder (One modded)
  • 1 Alpha Trooper (One modded)
  • 5 Reflexes  (One modded)
  • *New 1 Speedload 
  • *New Quick 16 
The deploy doesn't damage darts much, but it is tough to use. Hard to aim if unmodded.   Good power and range.

The Speedload is one of the most fun guns to use.  It's so fun to use that I just randomly load it and fire at something in my room  Easy to load.  Good range, and great accuracy. However, It runs out of ammo fast(5)

Magstrike has AWESOME power and range.  The best. however, it is hard to reload, uses it's ammo fast, and isn't very accurate.(3)  One of the worst weapons to bring to battle. :-(  It takes about 2 minutes to reload but a second to fire.
notice the mav barrels.

Most of our mavs broke. They aren't that durable.  However, they can fire fast and can use any type of ammo you find. (4)

Missing battery mech. I liked the flashbulbs so I took it out. our fireflies have cheap ranges. 
They might be broken.  However, in general, they are pretty good. (3)

Raider. Notice missing jam door.  My bro forgot to put that in.
The raider has great range and power, Only it's tough to use.